Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How's it Sewing?

Ok, I promise that's the only sewing play on words I'll expose you to. :) Ok maybe just one more...

I broke down and bought my first sewing machine a few weeks ago and it arrived over the weekend. I chose it based on online reviews saying it was great for beginners (read: me). And so far, I must say, it is a dream! This is the model I got: Brother XL2600I Sew Advance Sew Affordable (haha, it was though! I only paid about $75) 25-Stitch Free-Arm Sewing Machine

Excited about sewing
I decided that I wanted to sew a little dress for my coworker who is about to become a mommy. She's having a little girl and I chose a very cute yellow pattern for the dress. After several mishaps (and subsequent fixes), here is the final product!

Close up of the ribbon, which I added because of a mishap, but totally works!

Knots for the straps :)

This is to prove that I actually made it!
 Isn't it just adorable? Makes me almost want to have babies. ALMOST. For now, I'll just make cute things for other people's children. Like these tiny baby bibs for my other coworker who is expecting twins. :)

Terry Cloth backs for easy cleanup
  What did I learn from my first few days of being a sewing machine owner?

1. Look up terminology - there are a lot of words that I had no idea existed and are kind of important when you're trying to follow directions
2. Read instructions, then read them again...and possibly a third time - better to be safe than stare blankly at the beautiful sewing you just completed...on the wrong side of the material
3. It's ok to make mistakes - just figure out a way to work with them or around them

What do you think of my first attempts? Hopefully I can make a dress for myself one day. :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

8 Weeks to a Better Me: Week Two

First things first, let's discuss last week's goals. 

1. Figure out how to make pictures look better on my blog...

I fixed some pictures that were not showing up correctly, and tried to find solutions online for making my pictures look better, but no luck yet...

2. Take better photos, taking care to set up great shots...
I actually haven't had a chance to take any pictures as my camera was left at home. :(

3. Explore new blogs and comment on them (instead of just reading!)...
I did this one! I started following a few new blogs and commented on several as I read them. :)

So last week was not exactly a success, but given the circumstances (friends visiting (yay!) and very little computer time), I'll cut myself some slack. ;)

Time for Week Two: Fitness!

I am very excited about this week because I used to exercise quite a bit, just a year ago. I was training for a triathlon and although it was impossible at first, I quickly developed a habit and it became part of my daily routine. I loved it. Then life happened, I moved to another city, fell down the stairs and severely injured my ankle and things stopped happening. I stopped moving as much.

And you know what, I miss it! So let's do this!

1. Go running at Memorial Park at least twice this week
2. Go to Yoga and challenge myself
3. Drink lots and lots of water

My problem lately has been motivation, so I've looked up a few things to get me going.

This is amazing!

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. -Jim Ryan
I once read that even if you really don't want to workout (or do something else),
talk yourself into just going for ten minutes and you'll usually find that once
you've started, it's easy to keep going. 

What motivates you? 

Monday, July 18, 2011

8 Weeks to a Better Me: Week One

I have been feeling a little out of sync lately and I think it has to do with not taking care of myself as I should. This includes taking on too much, eating whatever is fast and unhealthy and not getting in enough exercise. My job has me sitting at a desk, staring at a computer for 8-9 hours on end and I really need to take time either in the morning or evening to counteract all the sedentary action going on.

Thanks to a friend who did the same thing, I will be starting a challenge this week called "8 Weeks to a Better Me." This was actually started by Sometimes Sweet, and I highly recommend that you visit her blog. I don't expect miracles to happen, but I hope it will get me on a better path. The basic premise is to make small goals to work towards every week and challenge yourself to make them happen.


The first week is about blogging.

1. Figure out how to make pictures look better on my blog
2. Take better photos, taking care to set up great shots
3. Explore new blogs and comment on them (instead of just reading!)

I am excited to get started!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I want :

To do this in Hamburg, Germany:

To make homemade Nutella:

This for my bike:

This adorable purse:

This beautiful dress:

To attempt this manicure:

What do you want?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jewelry Tree

Back in May, I mentioned that I wanted to create a jewelry tree like the one from this awesome blogger. Here is what her finished product looked like:

It's gorgeous, right? Well, I actually completed this project back in June, but forgot to blog about it. Since then, I have managed to lose all the "in progress" pictures and all I have to show you are the pictures of the final product. Sorry!

How to make a jewelry tree in three easy steps:
1. Find a branch with plenty of character
2. Spray paint said branch any color you like
3. Attach nicely painted branch to some device that will hold it upright

I found a branch in the front yard and spray painted it silver. I had an old red flower pot that I painted black and filled with plaster of paris to hold the branch. That's how easy it was and you could do this in as little as an hour. Here is my jewelry tree:

Just after I finished it

Close up of the branches

Close up of the plaster of paris - I use the base to hold miscellaneous items of jewelry

I used a different technique, but I think it turned out really nicely. It also gives me more reason to go out and buy more (yay!) jewelry. Like I really need a reason. What do you think of my version of the jewelry tree?