Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Craziest Frickin' Day of my Life

Last weekend, I drove to Austin to see some friends and to participate in the Warrior Dash with Nichole. Some of my friends ran in the race on Saturday, so I got to hear all about the race first hand. They had some good advice, such as to bring a change of clothes, a trash bag and extra shoes. This advice only made me even more excited to get out there.

Nichole was gracious enough to let me stay the night at her place, so that we could head East in the morning for the race together. We woke up around 6:30 AM and groggily ate oatmeal and gathered our things (including the provisions we were advised to bring) and left shortly after 7:15 AM. According to the race website, we were supposed to arrive at least an hour before our run, which in retrospect was just a rouse to get us to wander around aimlessly and buy things from the many stands of Warrior Dash gear. We stood around watching the previous waves of people (a new wave started every half hour) racing through the last 3 obstacles of the race: a rope wall to climb, fire to jump through and a mud pit with barbed wire. We were very anxious to get started.

Excited about the race

After what seemed like entirely too long, it was finally our turn to start. The race started off easily enough, with just some hilly terrain and a few small walls to jump over. Then we rounded a corner and saw a sign that said "Danger, Obstacle Ahead." Sweet.

Jumping over cars
There were three rows of beat up old cars, not vintage, just circa 1990s, perhaps 80s, that we had to jump on top of to continue the race. There is something inherently fun about hearing the pounding of feet jumping on metal that made me smile. We continued along the trail and discovered more obstacles, some more fun than others. The easiest was a wall we had to climb up by way of rope. The most treacherous was the creek we had to wade through, only because we listened to the race staff and ran through it instead of treading carefully. Half of my left calf is covered in blue and purple bruises as well as scrapes that extend to my knee. Despite the fall (into a branch underwater? or perhaps an attack by an angry fish?), Nichole and I kept running, hopping through tires, crab walking over rope cargo nets (probably the most difficult obstacle), climbing through a web-like structure of rope and finally rounding the bend to the finish line.

Seeing the two rows of fire get closer and closer, I nearly had to stop because I was beginning to panic. The flames were so high...could I jump over the fire? Not a chance. I was doomed to trip and fall face first into the fire. I could see this happening in my mind as I effortlessly jumped over the fire and made it safely to the other side. Worried for nothing. The final obstacle was a giant pit of mud, filled with water and covered with barbed wire overhead so that you had no choice but to crawl through. As I came to the edge, I could hear the crowd yelling "dive!" - and not wanting to disappoint them, (and because when am I ever going to have this chance again?) I dove.

Muddy shoes for Green Sneakers
I know now why I was asked to bring the extra clothes and trash bag. I was drenched in mud and muddy water from head to toe. I crawled through the mud pit, with the nearby crowd cheering me on after my dive, unable to see because there was mud in my eyes. I probably should have left my contacts at home. I struggled to see and keep my clothes in place (mud is pretty heavy) and somehow managed to make it to the finish line. I did not win anything, but the experience was worth the trouble. I saw all kinds of people in that race, from a 9 year old boy holding his father's hand, a man in a kilt, with a long beard, Viking helmet and sword, to a woman in her 60s, smiling as she crawled out of the mud pit. This is definitely the craziest race I've ever done and I don't know if I will sign up again, but I am so glad that I had the chance to take part in it this year. I wonder what races await me in 2011...

1 comment:

  1. you are such a badass! the video was priceless, btw. i told you i could see you doing really well in that race, even getting mud kicked in your face. never imagined you'd dive head first into it! wow, that must've been a blast - and i hope you gave your shoes to charity :)
