Friday, November 2, 2012

Autumn Themed Dress/Costume

Autumn Leaves Dress
This year, our office decided to make Halloween even more fun than it already is by writing down random costume ideas, putting them in a bowl and blindly choosing your fate. I was truly lucky with my pick: "The Season of Fall."

I immediately knew I wanted to incorporate beautiful Autumn leaves that we never get to see here in Houston. I've had the pleasure of seeing them in Philadelphia once and they're {amazing}. I tried to find leaves at Michael's, but they were all really small and sad looking. So...I took a look at the Autumn wreath on my front door and decided that the leaves would look gorgeous as a dress. I actually scored the wreath at a garage sale for $3. Win!

Leaves, needle, thread, pins and dress
 You really don't need a lot of supplies for this one. I used an old navy blue dress that I hardly ever wore anymore, leaves from my wreath, some thread and a needle and pins to hold the leaves in place. The process is tedious, though if you're good with a sewing machine (I'm still learning!), I'm sure this would have taken a lot less time. I think it was a total of 1.5 hours, including the time to strip the wreath. Total cost: $0.

Leaf collage!
My sewing process was very simple. I started at the top of the dress and layered the leaves all the way down. I only stitched each leaf twice to the dress because that was enough to keep them in place. I overlapped the leaves a little too much and learned that I could have left my wreath a little less barren, had I planned the layout more.

Lady of Autumn
 The hair piece was really simple as well. I used a hot glue gun to attach the leaves to a piece of felt that I then hot glued to a plain hair comb. I added gold, red and orange accessories, fake eyelashes (because, why not?), glittery gold heels and was out the door.

The costume was a hit and everyone knew who I was, so I was happy! I already have offers to purchase this costume, but I'm kind of in love with it. What do you think?

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